Our Christmas Appeal
As we approach the Christmas Season and a time of gift giving. Let us keep in our minds and hearts that the greatest gift given to us was Jesus Christ, whom the Father sent to redeem us. He is the greatest and most perfect of all gifts in heaven and earth.
Let us pray that we may be generous with God, who is the ultimate gift giver. We at Immaculate Heart of Mary Restoration Project wish to appeal to you all to give of your hearts this Christmas Season.
We have the following items that we hope you can add to your gift giving list this Christmas
1. We have access to used real wooden pews (in excellent condition with attached kneelers) that will come out of a church in Denver. We can purchase as many as we need for a modest price; however we have to transport them here. We are hoping that someone with a large trailer or semi can transport them for us.
2. We are in need of new window panes. We have to replace eighteen of them.
3. We hope to install bathrooms in the little room next to the entrance way. We need a plumber, and a person who can renovate the room for this purpose.
4. We are in need of new lighting in the sanctuary (we hope to install recessed lights).
5. We hope to replace the altar, pulpit, chairs, new credence table, and sanctuary lamp (we are hoping for the lamp that hangs next to the tabernacle).
4. We are in need of new lighting in the sanctuary (we hope to install recessed lights).
5. We hope to replace the altar, pulpit, chairs, new credence table, and sanctuary lamp (we are hoping for the lamp that hangs next to the tabernacle).
6. We need to renovate the entire sanctuary, flooring, paint etc.
7. We have a beautiful medal tabernacle but lacks a key. We need a locksmith to make us a key so that we can replace the current wooden one with the medal one.
8. The walls inside the church need to be refinished and painted. We hope to install some kind of arched wooden beams to give the body of the church a rich look.
9. We hope to apply stained glass images of Our Lord and Our Lady (this material adheres to the glass giving it an appearance of stained glass).
13. We need to repair the choir loft walls, replace two windows, and sand the floor and varnish it.
14. We need to replace all the doors leading out of the sanctuary, and three doors in the confessional.
These items listed are only for the inside of the church, and we may be in need of a lot more before the full restoration is completed. The outside restoration will begin in early spring and will begin with the stuccoing of the church building, which will cost nearly twenty five thousand dollars to complete. Then there will be landscaping around the church. We hope to purchase a beautiful outdoor statue of Our Lady and hope to enclose the statue under a beautiful rock grotto. That will be built next to the church where the old rectory once stood. We hope to finish off the restoration with an iron gate. Next we hope to remodel the adjoining building, beginning with a new roof, repairing walls inside and out, new windows, and doors.
Please know that we will continue our fundraising and will contribute as much as we can on our end to make all this work possible. Please, please pray for us. We will pray and offer Masses for all our benefactors once a month beginning in January.
Please be generous. Let us make this restoration happen together. Our website address: https://www.immaculateheartofmaryholman.com where you can check on the progress. You can also reach us at St. Gertrude's parish office phone at (505) 387-2336 or text us at this number (505) 429-8125.
We thank you with all our hearts and pray that the Divine Infant Jesus and His Most Holy Mother Mary grant abundant graces to you and your families this coming New Year.
In her Immaculate Heart
David and Barbara Kuehl
7. We have a beautiful medal tabernacle but lacks a key. We need a locksmith to make us a key so that we can replace the current wooden one with the medal one.
8. The walls inside the church need to be refinished and painted. We hope to install some kind of arched wooden beams to give the body of the church a rich look.
9. We hope to apply stained glass images of Our Lord and Our Lady (this material adheres to the glass giving it an appearance of stained glass).
https://www.stainedglassinc.com/ |
10. We need new standing candle holders, for each side of the altar and eight brass candle holders for the top of the altar.
11. We need to refurbish the floor and walls of the sacristy. This entails stuccoing the walls and sanding and re-varnishing the wooden floor.
12. We need a new Communion rail to match the pews or refurbish the old ones.
13. We need to repair the choir loft walls, replace two windows, and sand the floor and varnish it.
14. We need to replace all the doors leading out of the sanctuary, and three doors in the confessional.
These items listed are only for the inside of the church, and we may be in need of a lot more before the full restoration is completed. The outside restoration will begin in early spring and will begin with the stuccoing of the church building, which will cost nearly twenty five thousand dollars to complete. Then there will be landscaping around the church. We hope to purchase a beautiful outdoor statue of Our Lady and hope to enclose the statue under a beautiful rock grotto. That will be built next to the church where the old rectory once stood. We hope to finish off the restoration with an iron gate. Next we hope to remodel the adjoining building, beginning with a new roof, repairing walls inside and out, new windows, and doors.
Please know that we will continue our fundraising and will contribute as much as we can on our end to make all this work possible. Please, please pray for us. We will pray and offer Masses for all our benefactors once a month beginning in January.
Please be generous. Let us make this restoration happen together. Our website address: https://www.immaculateheartofmaryholman.com where you can check on the progress. You can also reach us at St. Gertrude's parish office phone at (505) 387-2336 or text us at this number (505) 429-8125.
We thank you with all our hearts and pray that the Divine Infant Jesus and His Most Holy Mother Mary grant abundant graces to you and your families this coming New Year.
In her Immaculate Heart
David and Barbara Kuehl